The One Stop Integrated Defence Hardware Company
NBC Inflatable Shelters
Technical Specifications

NBC Inflatable Shelter is of a light weight construction, which can be erected over ground in the open or inside an existing building. It can provide protection against biological agents, Chemical agents and Nuclear fallout dust.

The Inflatable Shelter is a self supporting structure consisting of inflatable arches and horizontal/ Vertical chambers (rubber bellows to act as basic structural element supported with a protective outer cover and built in floor).

The shelter can be manufactured in any dimension as per customer’s requirement and can have various modules like:- Living, Decon, Utility and Connector modules etc.

The shelter has been integrated with AC System, BC Filtration System, NBC Sensor System,
UPS, Lights, Fans, Water Supply System, Decontamination System, Utility System, Furniture, Surveillance System, Weather monitoring system etc as per User’s requirement.

Any number of modules can be added in parallel or series and can function as a field hospital,
operations room, command and control center, etc.